July 9, 2022 • 09:00 - 09:10 | Saturday
Parallel 1- Zhumu Conference: 615360337 : Zhumu Conference: 615360337
Parallel 1: Public engagement in environment, science, risk and health

Consumer attitudes towards GM foods have an important impact on both the GM food market and the development of GM technology. In recent years, scholars at home and abroad have carried out extensive research on consumers' attitudes towards genetically modified foods and their influencing factors. This study focuses on the influence of individual psychological characteristics on attitudes towards GM policy. Through the analysis of data obtained from a large-scale survey, the study finds that individual cognitive closure has a negative predictive effect on GM policy. Nationalism plays a partial mediating role, and individual Information literacy played a moderating role.

  • Gao Shuqing

    Soochow University
  • Wang Guoyan

    Soochow University


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