July 10, 2022 • 09:50 - 10:00 | Sunday
Parallel 15 - Zhumu Conference: 632269262 : Zhumu Conference: 632269262
Parallel 15: Communication strategies for sustainable development


The research paper is an attempt to identify and delineate the role of health communication   in general and specific roles of various lifestyle communication channels in meeting the goals of environmental sustainability   in particular for maintaining development sustainability both at local and global level. The articulation of “green lifestyle communication ” in the study is suggestive of its complex identity, given its implication in existing orders of consumption while also expressive of emerging everyday practices that potentially and variously challenge those orders of consumption Informed and conscious citizens can utilize poverty alleviation programmes effectively and successfully.  Informed and conscious citizens can play a responsible role in promoting   environmental protection and preserving biodiversity in various walks of their lives. In fact to fulfill the goals of sustainable development through protecting biodiversity, there is an indispensable need to mould a lifestyle that is environment friendly and equitable all over the world. Participatory green communication alone is not sufficient to meet   these objectives but   is a crucial element in facilitating the fulfillment of these objectives. The paper also examines the range of reported environmental lifestyle practices and how they are attributed with meaning, including their engagement with the concept of pleasure and its political participation. The study reveals that the pleasures associated with sustainable living are often marginalized, and instead an ethical consumer is commonly posited who is variously cognitively deficient, worried about the environmental consequences of their everyday behavior, or concerned about their inability to realize their desires to engage in sustainable lifestyle practices. Promoting intra-generational and inter-generational equity, and participation of people from individual, local levels to global levels, being the various important objectives of sustainable development, different communication channels have a potential role to play in fulfilling these objectives.


Keywords: Green Lifestyle, Health Communication, Sustainable Living. Environmental Sustainability.




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